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This page shows the stats of each game and high scores. When the same nickname plays multiple sessions, their scores combine to form the overall high scores.
The statistics reset in 2020, because the point values went up for puzzles and questions. The previous statistics moved to the bottom of this page for preservation.
Statistics File Explanation
Each game has its own stats stored in an INI file. The file is divided into sections, written in order of occurrence in the game but shown here alphabetically:
- Bonus Round -- This shows the stats for the bonus round played by the high scorer. It includes the nickname of the player, the highest question level, the number of questions asked, the number right, the average point value of each question, and the percentage correct.
- Cats -- This section shows the counts of the categories chosen. The display shows up to two letters of the category:
- B = Bible
- BM = Book of Mormon
- CH = Church History
- NT = New Testament
- OT = Old Testament
- S = Scriptures
- W = Wild
- ? = random
- Final Scores -- Each player that plays to the end gets their score written here and added to the overall high score list.
- Levels -- Each level selected shows here. The levels are one through eight and ?. Random levels count separately.
- Percentage -- This shows each nickname's percent of questions answered correctly.
- Questions -- This is overall stats about the questions during the game. It shows the number of questions asked, how many were correct, the average points per question, and the percentage correct. Because of possible multiple players getting points, it doesn't count each player as a right answer, only if someone got it right. It doesn't matter if it's in part one or two.
- Right -- This shows how many questions each player got correct. If a player gets the question correct, whether it's in the first part or the second part, it counts as right. For educated guess questions, a player must get it right to count as right.
- Scores -- Each player that shows up in the channel gets their score written here when they leave if it's above zero. Unfortunately, these scores do not combine with the overall scores.
- Streak -- This shows the streak record for the game with two entries: highest and nickname. This doesn't show how many times a player broke the record, just the overall record and who completed it first.
Game Statistics and Adjustments
Each game session's INI file appear below: Because these are considered internal links, these files will not open in a new window. Please use the browser's back button to go back to this page.
Individual Game High Scores
The high scores for one game appear below:
- (No games yet.)
If a player shows up late or is a non-member, it appears after their score. Mentioning tardiness means their score could be even higher, but they missed out for whatever reason. Mentioning non-members may give them bragging rights if they do better than members. In the first iteration, one player was a non-member and did pretty well.
Overall High Scores
This high score list is for players that played more than once. Multiple full sessions' scores go here.
- (No games yet.)
Database Stats
Question Counts
The following are the number of questions in the database:
- Bible: 4,281
- New Testament: 1,788
- Old Testament: 2,025
- Book of Mormon: 1,345
- Church History: 1,332
- Wild: 2,139
- Total: 9,098
- Scriptures: 4,443 -- Included in total above.
- Scrambles: 1,947 -- Included in total above.
- 1,080
- 2,266
- 2,336
- 2,067
- 363
- 379
- 303
- 304
As shown above, the number of questions for levels five to eight are low. These are the questions that are hardest to write. When writing questions, there's no plan to write a certain number for each level. The objective is to go through material and write questions while studying.
Bear in mind that these numbers include duplicate questions in different formats. For example, one question can appear three times: one with two choices, another one with three or more choices, and one with no choices. There can also be questions with multiple answers and then the same question requiring only one. There's no tracking the number of duplicates. It would take too long.
There may be questions waiting for choices and randomization and not included in the above numbers.
Puzzles: 1,137
Puzzles have a minimum of four words, and scrambles have a maximum of three words, ignoring articles, conjunctions, and some prepositions.
Database stats as of 11 Aug 2024.
Archived Statistics as of End of 2019
This section preserves the statistics before changing the scoring in the game. The objective is to give emphasis before the changes, because it was harder to earn points.
Each game session's INI file is below: Because these are considered internal links, these files will not open in a new window. Please use the browser's back button to go back to this page.
- 10 Oct 2017
- 18 Feb 2018 -- This game session was cut short due to lag times. (Because
it was cut short, it still counts as a full game.)
- 8 Jul 2018 -- This game was cut short due to the player leaving early, so it doesn't count as a full game.
- 20 Jul 2018 -- First complete game with two players. One player came after two rounds. It was also the first game with the updated stats. These players picked mostly New Testament, Bible, and Old Testament questions. Furthermore, they picked mostly levels two, four, and one.
- 9 Aug 2018 -- First complete game with two players staying the entire game. One other arrived late but left early. One was LDS, somewhat, and the other two weren't, so they did a good job. Anyway, this game had some scoring adjustments:
- A new feature of the script wasn't programmed correctly, so manual adjustments were necessary. The new feature is a winning streak for individual players. It's not much, but it can add up. The bonus starts at three in a row with a bonus of 20 times the number.
- ibb gets an extra 520 points for nine winning streak bonuses.
- Royal_Jelly gets an extra 380 points for six winning streak bonuses.
- I missed a correct spelling bonus for ibb. It was for Ecclesiastes in one of the questions, which is difficult to spell while writing this. ibb gets an extra 300 points for that.
- Fortunately, these corrections do not affect the outcome of the game, but it's good to make sure scores are correct.
- One question was in error, so I had to subtract one from the number of questions asked manually. The percentages for two players changed. The third player already left, so it didn't affect the percentage. It was a script and human error.
- When looking over the log file, one educated guess question had a tie to who was closest, but when I awarded the points, I used the wrong command, which counted it as a right answer. This required subtracting 400 from Royal_Jelly's score, and it decreased the number of questions correct by one.
Individual High Scores
The high scores for one game appear below:
- Royal_Jelly -- 54,175 (includes 1,450 from bonus round) -- 33 of 73 for 43.84%
- UtahLizard -- 51,680 (includes 5,000 from bonus round and before adding the jackpot)
- ibb -- 51,085 (includes manual adjustments) -- 34 of 73 for 46.58%
- _meh -- 46,915 (This was before the jackpot.)
- Royal_Jelly -- 40,505 (includes 1,350 from bonus round) -- 30 of 60 for 50%
- Royal_Jelly -- 29,375 (incomplete game)
- ibb -- 21,190 -- 22 of 60 for 36.67% (non-member and late)
- soulpioneer -- 820 -- 13.33%
Late shows can effect the number of questions correct and percentage. If a player leaves early, only the percentage correct appears.
Overall High Scores
This high score list is for players that played more than once. Multiple full sessions combine scores and go here.
- Royal_Jelly -- 94,680 (two games)
- ibb -- 72,275 (two games)
Site © 2018-2024 by Jeremy Adderley. All graphics copyright respective owners, used by permission.
Background picture from BoxedArt.
Line and banner graphics obtained from Celine's Original GIF's.
I removed the links, because the sites do not exist anymore.
Game format and questions written by me are copyright 2017-2024 by Jeremy Adderley. Feel free to use the game's format and questions as long as no money exchanges hands. Please give credit. Questions written by others properly credited in the answers. Please send an e-mail to request permission and/or make payment(s) for their use when it involves money.
I do not talk about the questions with anyone that I feel may end up playing the game, especially my wife, whose name won't appear here for privacy reasons.
There are two mailing lists: newsletter and notify. They're separate just in case a person only wants one. The newsletter contains a summary of the game, the scores of everyone who played, corrections to scores, updates to the game, and a high score list. The notify list announces the time for the next game. Due to email sending quotas, the host will send the three random questions two days before the game session. Answering these three questions before the game officially starts will earn points.
There is a page on Facebook about the game, and I post when the next game will be and updates to the site/game.
There is no sharing of any information gathered with anyone, especially advertising networks. This site has no advertisements.
This site gathers the following information:
- IP addresses of visitors, the web pages they visited, the websites they came from, the browsers they used, and their country of origin
- Email addresses
- Email statistics: bounces, forwards, views, and clicks
The host uses visitor information for statistical purposes only, email addresses only for sending emails to subscribers of the mailing list, and email statistics to track who views those emails.
If anyone objects to the gathering of this information, please stop visiting this website and possibly the entire Internet.